OLMA Life coaching…
They say that if you help a butterfly out of it’s cocoon, it will never be strong enough to fly. It’s the struggle of emerging that gives it strength. During our life coaching, you will be creating the changes you desire, and because of that, you will never be the same again! Welcome to the kaleidoscope!!
This is so Exciting!
Transitions in life can be exciting and happy or sometimes painful and fear inducing. We all go through them, and I can help you to navigate these changes with confidence, positivity and a true sense of growth.
I offer an assessment that you can use to gain some clarity on where you are right now. Being afraid of change is normal. Deciding to embrace the change and fly is up to you.
Fill out the form and the assessment will be automatically sent to you. The password is Olma. It’s 100% free.
My Blog
How Much Does a Life Coach Charge, and is it Worth it?
How Much Does a Life Coach Charge, and is it Worth it? This is a question that I get asked almost right away when I start to talk with someone about what I do. If someone is interested in using my services, they want to make sure that the investment is worth...
How Did I Travel Like That?
How Did I Travel Like That? I have taken 19 plane rides since July 15th. It sounds crazy even to me. I’ve had to pack lightly, get over my fears and share my embarrassments! Eek! I’ve had the pleasure of meeting some of the most amazing, kind people ever! ...
Say “Yes” to the OLMA Method.
What I’ve learned by saying “Yes” to opportunity, even when it seemed impossible. Saying yes to something that you have no idea how to pull off is one of the most daunting tasks. Think of a time that someone asked you to do something that you really wanted to...